How to Run Your Fridge in an Energy Efficient Way?
Home fridges and freezers make constant use of energy and contribute a lot to your energy bill. An average sized fridge uses around 10 percent of your energy. Considering that fridges and freezers are bare necessities, here are some ways to use them efficiently.
Inspect the fridge seals
This is hands down the easiest way to enhance the energy efficient of the fridge, to ensure that the doors are closed and sealed properly. If they don’t, then the cool air leaks out, and more energy is needed to keep the fridge or freezer contents at an accurate temperature. Loose or broken seals can lead to a lot of energy wasted, hence a lot of wasted money.
Never cramp your fridge
It is a given that fridges are the most energy efficient when they are full, but ensure that there are slight gaps between the items to let proper airflow and circulation.
Getting the temperature right
It is recommended to have 3 to 5 degrees C as the optimal temperature for a fridge. And for the freezers, it must be around -15 to -18 degrees C. If your fridge or freezer is not set at this recommended temperature range, then you will end up wasting a lot of money running the appliance inefficiently.
Never keep hot items in the fridge
It is essential to wait until a dish has cooled down before you keep it in a fridge. Place cold items back into the fridge after you have used them, instead of letting them warm to the room temperature.
Defrost items in your fridge
You can easily defrost frozen stuff in your fridge. All you have to do is put the frozen items in your fridge a day before you are planning to use them, this will really help your fridge cool in that very time.
Keep the frost accumulation in the fridge up to a minimum
Remove the frost accumulation in the freezer on a regular basis. An accumulation of frost in your freezer can make your appliance make more effort than it needs to, making it less energy efficient.
Never open the fridge door too often
Your fridge makes more use of power than any other electrical appliance. Try to avoid opening your fridge too many times, and never leave it open. Always take the ‘peek, grab, and close’ approach when looking at the fridge contents to save energy.